Current MFA student Rachal Bradley has contributed to LABOUR, an independent publication edited by Melissa Gordon and Marina Vishmidt. This is the first project resulting from an ongoing series of discussions among female artists in New York, Amsterdam and Berlin and London that took place in 2010-2011.
The publication launch for LABOUR will take place onWednesday, September 28th, 2011, 6-7:30pm at the Elizabeth Dee Gallery, New York in conjunction with Meredyth Sparks' current exhibition, Striped Bare, Even and Again, September 15- October 29, 2011.
Though the subject, format, contributors and editorial team will change with each subsequent issue, LABOUR attempts to address the many facets of (feminized) artistic producer. Contributions to this issue include Nina Power on Women’s Work, Avigail Moss on What We Talk About When We Talk About Painting, Marina Vishmidt on Working Artists in the Greater Economy, Lisette Smits in conversation with Meredyth Sparks on The Female Dandy and Kaisa Lassinaro interviews director Lizzie Borden about Born in Flames. Also included in this issue are artist projects by Henry VIII’s Wives, Emma Hedditch and Rachal Bradley with Jessica Wiesner.